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Terms and Conditions

Last updated: October 14, 2023

Interpretation and Definitions


Interpretation Words beginning with a capital letter are defined under specific conditions outlined below. These terms maintain their defined meanings whether they're used in singular or plural forms.


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:

  • Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Pixelait LLC, Tumanyan str. 15, apt 19, Yerevan, 0001, Republic of Armenia.
  • Service refers to the Website and the services thereof.
  • Accounts are the special profiles set up for you to use our Service or parts of it.
  • Country refers to: Armenia
  • Content means any text, pictures, or other information that You can post, upload, link, or share, no matter its format.
  • Device is any tool like a computer, phone, or tablet that can use the Service.
  • Feedback means feedback, innovations or suggestions sent by You regarding the attributes, performance or features of our Service.
  • Promotions refer to contests, sweepstakes or other promotions offered through the Service.
  • Subscriptions are the services or access to the Service that the Company provides to you on a regular basis.
  • Terms and Conditions (or simply "Terms") are the rules and guidelines that make up the full agreement between you and the Company. They also include any policies or rules we put on the website about using the Service.
  • Third-party Social Media Service means any website or social media platform that allows a User to sign in or set up an account to access the Service.
  • Website refers to the official website of Pixelait
  • You refers to the person using the Service, or the company or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable. This person may also be referred to as "User," "Customer," or "Client."


These are the guidelines and conditions for using the Pixelait service available on the website. This document dictates the relationship and agreement between you and Pixelait. It outlines the rights and duties of everyone who engages with our Service.

You can only access and use our Service if you agree to and follow these conditions. Everyone, be it visitors, users, or any other individuals accessing our Service, is subject to these terms.

By accessing or using the Service, You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don't agree with any segment of these conditions, you shouldn't use our Service.

You confirm that you are at least 18 years old. Pixelait doesn't allow users below 18. If you're younger than 18, you need permission from a parent or guardian to have a Pixelait Account. We advise that young users go through these terms with an adult. If you're a guardian permitting a minor to use our services, these terms are binding on you, making you accountable for the minor's activities. Pixelait isn't liable for any actions or transactions made by users below 18 on our platform.

Your engagement with our Service is also subject to you agreeing to our Privacy Policy. This policy details how we manage and protect your personal data when you interact with our website or application. It helps you understand your privacy rights and legal protections. We urge you to familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy before using our services.

By accessing and using our website (, you acknowledge and agree that as an end-user, you are strictly prohibited from sublicensing, assigning, transferring, or selling any text, video, images, audio recordings, or other materials protected by intellectual property rights, on any platform or websites other than, without obtaining prior permission from the rightful owner of such materials. Failure to comply with this restriction may result in legal actions taken against you for infringement of proprietary rights. By using our services, you confirm your acknowledgment and agreement to this specific condition.

Notices and Newsletter

We might send you updates or information in several ways:

  • Through website alerts or pop-ups.
  • Using the email you shared with us.
  • Or other methods you've given us.

For instance, we'll notify you via email if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance. Typically, these non-promotional messages can't be opted out from, If you do not wish to receive them, you have the option to deactivate your account. By subscribing to our newsletter, either as a visitor or a registered user, you give Pixelait permission to send you news, alerts, or promotional content via email. If you ever change your mind, you can always click on the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of each email.

User Accounts

When setting up an account with us, you need to give correct, complete, and up-to-date details. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of Your account on Our Service. You're in charge of keeping your password secure. This password is used to get into our Service, and you're accountable for all activities happening under it, whether it's linked with our Service or another platform. We strongly advise you not to share your password with others. If you think someone has unauthorized access to your account, let us know right away. You may not use as a username the name of another person or entity or that is not lawfully available for use, a name or trademark that is subject to any rights of another person or entity other than You without appropriate authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene.

We will have to terminate your account if you:

  1. Use a fake name,
  2. Give wrong personal details, or
  3. Use an email that doesn't belong to you,


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Pixelait and its’ subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms and Conditions or the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party. You commit to shield, uphold, and ensure that Pixelait and its associated companies, partners, leaders, directors, agents, workers, and all associated entities face no harm or losses. This covers any claims, demands, or legal costs, including attorney fees, coming from a third party because of your failure to follow these Terms and Conditions, related documents, or your infringement of any law or rights of another party.


Pixelait is not accountable for the content shared by its users. It's crucial for you to recognize and accept that you are the only one accountable for the content you share and all activities happening under your account, even if it's by another individual using your account. You must adhere to the following:

- You shall not act in a manner which might harm or be perceived as damaging to Pixelait’s reputation.

- You shall not use the Services for competitive analysis to build a competitive product or service.

- You shall not create an account for anyone other than yourself and will not transfer your account to anyone without our express written permission.

- You shall not use the website and the products you obtain for any illegal or unauthorized purposes, including unauthorized advertising.

- You shall not use the Services for any unlawful purposes or conduct any unlawful activity.

- You shall not access the Pixelait website, services, or user accounts through unauthorized means.

- You shall not disable or bypass any security or access restrictions for Pixelait services.

- You shall not automate access to, or copying of, any part of the Pixelait services without authorization.

- You shall not place undue burden on the infrastructure of our services.

- You shall not commercially exploit any part of the Pixelait services without appropriate rights or licenses.

- You shall not sublicense, assign, transfer, or sell any intellectual property from Pixelait on other platforms without prior permission.

Pixelait retains the authority to assess content suitability, modify its presentation, or remove it altogether. We can also restrict or halt service usage if content is found objectionable. While we don't oversee every piece of content, it's vital to understand that using our platform has its risks, including coming across undesirable content. Pixelait won't be held responsible for any content or subsequent harm resulting from your engagement.

Intellectual Property

The Service, along with its initial content (excluding content supplied by you or other users), features, and capabilities, are and will stay the sole property of Pixelait and its licensors. The Service is shielded by copyright, trademark, and other Country-specific laws. Pixelait's trademarks and trade dress may not be employed in association with any product or service without obtaining Pixelait's prior written approval.

Your Feedback to Us

You transfer all rights, title, and interest in any Feedback you offer to the Company. If for any reason such transfer is not effective, you agree to provide the Company with a non-exclusive, everlasting, irrevocable, royalty-free, global right and license to use, disclose, sub-license, distribute, modify, and utilize such Feedback without any limitations.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by Us.

If You click on a third-party link, You will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise You to review the Privacy Policy of every site You visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites or services.


We reserve the right to terminate or suspend Your Account without any prior notice or liability, for any reason at all, especially if You violate these Terms and Conditions. Even after termination, you will still be responsible for any amounts owed up to and including the date of termination. When the termination occurs, Your access and right to use the Service ends immediately. If You want to end Your Account, You can just stop using the Service.

Governing Law

This Terms and your use of the Service are governed by the laws of the Country, without regard to its conflict of law principles. Additionally, your use of the Application might be under the purview of other regional, state, national, or international regulations.

Disputes Resolution

If You have any concern or dispute about the Service, You agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting the Company.

Events outside our control

We won't be held accountable for any delays or failures in our duties under the Terms due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to wars, civil commotion, interruption in public communications networks or services, labor disputes, or significant internet disturbances like DDOS attacks ("Uncontrollable Events"). During such events, our obligations are considered paused, and we'll have an extended period equal to the event's duration to fulfill our duties. . We will make genuine efforts to end the Uncontrollable Event or find ways to meet our obligations despite these challenges.

Password and Account Security

Certain sections of this website are protected by a password. If you collaborate with Pixelait for specific services beyond just browsing, or if you want to create a user account to use our tools, you'll need a user ID (given by us) and a password to enter these secured sections (like the UI assistant dashboard).

We handle user login details, emails, and passwords with the highest level of secrecy. User-provided passwords are encrypted in such a way that even we can't see them.

However, it's your job to keep your account safe and confidential. If you think someone might have accessed your account without permission or if you misplace your password, notify Pixelait right away.

Changes to These Terms and Conditions

We have the authority to change or update these Terms whenever we see fit. If we make significant changes, we'll do our best to give you a heads-up with at least 30 days of notice before the new terms come into play. We'll decide what's considered a significant change.

If you keep using our Service after the updated terms are in place, it means you accept them. If you don't agree with the updated terms, either fully or partially, we kindly ask you to stop using our website and Service.


Not taking action or not insisting on strict performance on any part of these Terms and Conditions doesn't mean we're giving up any rights. Together with Pixelait's Privacy Policy and any other notices we might share with you, these Terms and Conditions represent the full understanding between you and Pixelait about your use of our platform.

If you break these terms, we can take steps to stop you from using our site, block you from accessing it, talk to your internet provider to stop your access, and even take legal action if needed.

If anything in these terms is unclear, it won't be used against the one who wrote them. By using Pixelait, you're saying you think these terms are fair. If you don't think they're fair, we ask that you don't use our services.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:

By email:

By phone number: +37494515189